About the Journal




Journal of Behavioral Public Administration (JBPA) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary open access journal that focuses on behavioral and experimental research in public administration, broadly defined. The journal welcomes behavioral and experimental work that advances theory, applied research about nudge tactics or other practical reforms, replications of previous experimental work, and studies with null findings (provided they are well designed and sufficiently powered). Given its multidisciplinary orientation, JBPA welcomes articles from across the behavioral sciences, including economics, public policy, political science, psychology, sociology, law, communication, and even biology -- provided they have relevance for public administration theory or practice.

JBPA encourages submissions of both basic scholarly and applied work conducted by academics or practitioners. Likewise, JBPA's readership includes not only behavioral scientists with an interest in public administration but also policy-makers and practitioners in the public and nonprofit sectors. Submission types include research articles, research letters, perspectives and practices, and research syntheses.

Research articles are up to 4,000 words, excluding appendices.

Research letters are up to 2,000 words in length, excluding appendices. They include applied trials (e.g., nudge tactics by government agencies), replications, or other empirical studies that can be presented in a more concise format.

Perspectives and practices are submissions that focus on theoretical perspectives on behavioral public administration, or that discuss practical issues involved in applying behavioral science in government or nonprofit settings. These submission are up to 4,000 words in length.

Research syntheses are up to 8,000 words and include meta-analyses or systematic reviews that seek to integrate and learn from a body of previous empirical work related to behavioral public administration.

Author guidelines for manuscript submissions can be found here.